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About Us | mTj Brew Spots
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About Us

Here we are at our favorite bar in the world; the beach bar at Sunset at The Palms in Negril Jamaica!

 Click Here to Visit our Photo Gallery for BrewSpot pics as well as some additional nonsense!


About Jason, Lyssa and the GizMog Rating Scale 

Lyssa (Email me at : Lyssa@mtjbrewspots.com)

Favorite types of beer are Stouts or Scottish Ales.  I try and like most types of beers but not a fan of hoppy beers.  If my options were miller light, coors light, yeungling lager or Bud….I would get rum or wine.  My tastes have certainly changed over the years.  I am a 100% beer snob. 

Jason (Email me at: Jason@mtjbreswspots.com)

My favorite beers are Keystone light, Schlitz and of course Natty Light or Ice.  :)  Really though, I currently am feeling Belgians of all types (preferring doubles, Triples and Quads) as well as chewier beers of the Stout/Porter and Barley wines.  I am a huge believer in service and personalities of the staff at any location to be alomst as important as the beer.  Almost.  My hope is that someone, somewhere will get some useful information from our site, learn a bit about beer and where best to get it.  It would be great to have our readers stop by our favorite places and tell them you heard about them here!  Cheers to double digit ABV!

The ‘GizMog’ and Our Rating Scale

Our rating scale is based off of how much we liked the place overall.  Food, Service, atmosphere and of course BEER!  We are using GizMog’s as our symbol.  We have two sphynx cats that we wanted to include on our site.  One is Gizmo and the other Mogwai.  They look like little gremlins!  Rating is 1-5 GizMog’s as listed below:

  = You Should Be There Immediately, If not Sooner!!

  =   You Are Gonna Like It!

   =   We Think It’s Worth The Drive – Probably

   =   Save Your Gas Money & G0 Buy Something Better At Your Local Spot

  =   Try It At Your Own Risk!

Note:  You will also see 1/2 Gizmogs just so we can provide a better level of detail withink our reviews

4 Responses to About Us

  1. Mark Hummel

    Just wanted to say it was fun meeting you two at Stoudts this afternoon. Glad you liked my grapefruit amarillo IPA. I named it “This is what you get when . . IPA” . The obvious end to the name will be discribed like this; Take a West Coast hop like Amarillo, very citricy, what do you want to do to it, try making it more citricy with grapefruit. This is what homebrewers get to do all the time. Some work, some don’t.

    Your one friend thought it sucked, but then did a huge backpeddle once she found out I was standing directly behind her. I said it is a little over the top and it’s ok if you don’t like it. Well, everyone else that tried it liked it. Yesterday it didn’t place at all at the War of the Worts. Thats how it goes I guess.

    One more thing. My wife told me that she gave me your card. So she, Elayne, knows Lyssa’s sister. See you! Always willing to talk beer and pubs.

    • Admin

      It was great meeting you also Mark!

      I really enjoyed your beer – and I don’t like grapefruit or IPAs

      I am sure we will run into you again sometime soon! Send me an email also (jason@mtjbrewspots.com) and I will try and help you get a site going for your brewing!

  2. Dyane Countryman

    Hi Jason, I’m finally getting a chance to check out your site! Yah! Can’t wait to have a little more time to sit and read about some of the places you two have visited. Thanks again for the great review on McNellies!

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