Brau Bros 3 – Lucan, MN
A 3 hour drive west of Minneapolis, MN you will find Marshall, MN. I worked on a project here for a number of months and during this stay I was fortunate enough to make a trip to this place.
Lucan have a population of something like 262 people, and I am fairly sure most of them were in the restaurant and bar that night. There is the brewery and then the restaurant that sells the beer. I was truly shocked at the quality of the beer – some very dark and high gravity beers. I have a check above for the growler, but it is actually a Bubba Keg with their sticker on it! Perfect for this location. The food was good – mainly bar and pub food (you can do a wing and cheeseburger challenge if you are up to it), but the experience was helped with the great company of Margo (co-worked at my client) and her husband Brent – thanks for showing a guy around!
Next time you just happen to be driving thru America’s Heartland, take a few hundred mile detour and stop by this place – a real diamond in the rough!
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