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Butternut Brewing | mTj Brew Spots
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Butternut Brewing

Butternut Brewing – Morris, NY

http://www.butternutsbeerandale.com/   (Very cool website!)

Butternut is in the middle of nowhere – really out there.  Its some sort of farm with a few buildings, work trucks, chairs, stone driveways and paths and wild chickens.  You just have to experience it – Unique.  Its hard to tell where to even go for a tasting, but luckily the girl came and found us and took us in.  She was the daughter of the owners (who showed up right before we left – they are from NYC) and was very pleasant.  they package in cans mainly, and you can only get a growler of the beers they have on tap – there were 3 to choose from when we were there.  She explained that they are a good beer to try new things because nothing is to the extreme. in fact, we even liked the IPA!  The names of the beers are great; PorkSlap, SnapperHead, etc – and the beers were actually pretty good for being a small place on a farm.  If you go to Cooperstown or in that area, try and find it – its definitely worth saying you had the experience!  Watch out for the fuzzy chicken, he really wants in the tasting room!

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