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Golden Avalanche Brewing (In Kutztown Tavern) | mTj Brew Spots
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Golden Avalanche Brewing (In Kutztown Tavern)

Golden Avalanche Brewing (Inside Kutztown Tavern) – Kutztown, PA


This tavern in Kutztown, PA and serves beer made by Golden Avalanche and some pretty good food.  It must be noted that they make some truly hot wings.  If you want to be tested, give them a try with the Ghost sauce…or the new one that is even hotter.  Amazing stuff!  Lyssa likes their black onyx stout and Jason likes the Old Brick.  The inside is nice and spacious with a fairly large bar.  I don’t think we would go here late night since it is in a college town, but it may be better over the summer or winter breaks.  Generally we try and go for lunches on a weekend since it is about a 45 min drive for us, but its definitely worth it. 

GizMog Rating:



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