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Troegs | mTj Brew Spots
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Troegs – Harrisburg, PA


It seems as though Troegs is a hop heavy brewery so we are not a fan of most of the beers.  We do however love Mad Elf but it’s seasonal so not always easy to get. 

The brewery is only open on Saturdays for tours and tastings – we didn’t do the tour but did get a sampler in the tasting room (which is pretty small and usually crowded).  The Troegenater wasn’t bad, but between that and Mad Elf – its about as far as we go.  I do not think I would make a trip to Harrisburg expressly for this place but would stop again if we happened to be in the area.

You do need to find yourself a sample of Mad Elf – its strong, sweet and great to warm you on a chilly PA winter night!

GizMog Rating:

2 Responses to Troegs

  1. Cindy

    I love Mad Elf! It is a very good beer. I never visited this brewery but I did try Mad Elf in a case I bought in State College. Delicious, crisp taste!


    • Jason & Lyssa

      Cindy, completely agree! It can be hard to find in the summer season, but generally you can get it at Paradise By The Slice – might be worth a drive for you! Thanks for the comment!

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