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Rock Bottom Brewery | mTj Brew Spots
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Rock Bottom Brewery

Rock Bottom Brewery – King of Prussia, PA (Several Other Locations Exist)


Rock Bottom is a nice place for a chain restaurant but we don’t get there to often since it is an hour away and there are better choices in between.  We actually do enjoy the beers and all the food we have had was good.  This is the first place that Lyssa tried a Scottish Ale and we both really liked it –  not sure if it is always on tap though, it wasn’t at the Minneapolis Airport location.  It is in the King of Prussia Mall, so it is highly recommended when you need a break from all the shopping.  Service has been hit or miss, ranging from very good to WTF??!?!?  When it comes down to it, we would recommend it, even if you have a little extra drive time to get there.  the bar room has many TVs for game times and a big bar which is usually pretty full.  Take a shot at it and hope they have the Scottish Ale!

GizMog Rating:




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