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McCleary’s Pub | mTj Brew Spots
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McCleary’s Pub

McClearys Pub – Marietta, PA


Lyssa found this place online and it was then suggested to us by our bartender at Cobblestones in York, PA. 

Marietta is one of two small towns right on the Susquehanna River (Columbia being the other) and just off the main route (PA 30) between Lancaster and York and has some historic value and/or interesting brew spots.  McCleary’s is a small, old style English (Irish?) pub with a good bit of character, right down the church pew for seating.  The bar is topped with copper and backed by fridges with their bottled selections. 

The staff was friendly and headed by our bartender Kyle – thank you for the local education and recommendations – we will be back to see you again!  The beer selection is very good for a small pub in a small town, which might otherwise go unknown unless you do your research.  It must be mentioned that Troeg’s Mad Elf was on tap….in July!  If you are in the area, definitely stop in for a place that not many people besides locals and those ‘in the know’ get to see!

GizMog Rating:  (Hoping to add more after we get back to talk more with Kyle and try the cuisine)




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