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Country Garden 6-Pack | mTj Brew Spots
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Country Garden 6-Pack

Country Garden 6-Pack  –  Lebanon, PA

This is a place we just happened to stumble upon a few years back.  After purchasing a car form the Honda dealer just up the road, we went looking for something to do while waiting for its first oil change.  Its in a small strip mall with a beer distributor and a laundry-mat.  There is food available; assorted deep fried choices as well as some Asian food as it is owned and operated by what appears to be a husband and wife, who are Asian.  There are then a number of glass front coolers with a pretty good selection of beers – from Belgians to 4Loko.  Rest assured that the clientele can be just as diverse as the beer selection!  Always something interesting to see! Finally their entire back of the store is for take out beer – six-packs, 12 packs and many many more shapes, sizes and flavors. 

We were shocked to find such a sweet place in the area and now make it a ritual to stop by every time we are at the car dealer.  If you roll through Lebanon sometime, you must stop in for a drink at least – definately a unique spot!

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