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Liberty Taproom | mTj Brew Spots
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Liberty Taproom

Liberty Taproom – Exeter, PA


Well, we first tried to go here on a Sunday a few months back for lunch…not open.  We don’t like places that are not open for lunch on a Sunday (or Saturday).  Why would you be open? Certainly don’t want to make any money.  Anyway, they recently decided to be open weekends and we decided to give them another chance.

We went last weekend, 1/14 (with another couple – maybe they will add some info) for lunch. 

The place is nice, old style but an with updated interior -a nice big U bar (maybe 25 seats), some smaller satellite dining rooms an a nice bottled beer room with a number of fridges, tables and a fireplace (with TV above).  The bottle beer room has probably 150 beers in it with a great selection – really a great selection.  The bar has about 35-40 beers on tap, again a great selection that you don’t see many other places in the area (outside of going to York, PA). 

The good news ends about there.  We are not here to really review food, but we are here to review service.  Both were below average, and by below average, we mean piss!   We were told about the food beforehand, so thats our mistake.   The service was….I am not sure how to describe it…..slow and weird?  Nice, but odd and not attentive.

Ok, enough.  The place has so much potential, but everythingn but the beer selection is way off.  The beer is the only reason you see the GizMogs below…without it, they might be in Swashbuckler territory (Check the other reviews if you don’t get that).  If you have better experiences, let us know…and let them know!

 GizMog Review:





One Response to Liberty Taproom

  1. Dick Babyarm

    You pretty much nailed it, Beer good, food awful, service way below acceptable. Mr. Babyarm doesn’t like going dry for 15 minute stretches. I like the building though…..lot’s of potential. Nice idea with the beer room, nice bar, lot’s of tvs. Not much else to say except fill up at Anthony’s on food before you go (I’d name another restaurant, but that area is pretty shitty when it comes to a decent place to eat).

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