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Canal Street Pub | mTj Brew Spots
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Canal Street Pub

Canal Street Pub – Reading, PA


So many things come to mind when I think of Canal St.  I remember going there after it first opened and it was the place to be in the area…you couldn’t move in there on a Friday or Saturday night.  Those were the Neversink Brewing days – and it has had a few phases since then, including Legacy. 

So, what do we have today?  After a long time away, Lyssa and I went for lunch.  Overall it was very empty and quiet – including the baby at the bar.  We had heard that the service was (or can frequently be) bad…slow really.  We were really surprised with our bartender – I can’t remember his name – but he was knowledgeable and personable and wasn’t slow at all.  He was great, the food was great and the beer selection is even better.  The selection was good not just for volume but for the quality of the selection.  This was the first place I was able to get New Holland Dragons Milk – and there are some others that you won’t find many places. 

If you were here back in the good ole days, go back and bring back the memories.  If you were never here, go and give it a shot.  I would love to hear other opinions, but our experiences have been really good.  We need to get back at a busier time and get another point of view on the service – might increase or decrease the rating so I am leaving a little wiggle room for now.  Definitely worth a visit as one of the best places in the city of Reading.

GizMog Rating:

4 Responses to Canal Street Pub

  1. mr reese

    actually you can buy and fill growlers at canal, i have two from there

  2. Mark Hummel

    No dout Canal Street is a great place to go in Reading. I go there on Tuesday night for Berks Home Brew club meeting once a month. Every Tuesday they have $3.50 beer selection and half price appatizers. You can’t beat it! I hate to drum up more buisness for Tuesdays because some people need to go on other days too! The service gets a bad rapp probably because of some bartender slowness and attitude issues once in a while. It’s kind of like, “once you know what to expect, then it’s ok”. I have found the watresses and weaters are very good, even for my, not so normal friends.

    I think the lack of crouds demonstrate the economy more than anything. They could advertise better.

    • Admin

      Thanks for the info Mark – and I agree with much of what you are saying. Just have to slow down sometimes and enjoy the beer while you wait. Definately will be going back in the near future. Hey….we would also love to have your brew club friends visit our site too! I’ll keep my eyes out for their contributions!

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