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West Reading Tavern | mTj Brew Spots
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West Reading Tavern

West Reading Tavern – West Reading, PA

The West Reading Tavern has long been a popular location with locals, mainly for the food.  It is a narrow building in a long line of shops in West Reading, which has been slowly renewed over the last few years.  Here, Penn Ave is dotted with antique shops, pizza joints, hair salons, etc.  Its nice to take a walk on the weekend and then stop in at WRT for a beer.

The bar had about 12 seats and seems to run half the length of the building on the left side as you walk in.  Beer selection for this type of place is very good.  Generally about 5-6 real strong choices make up the 10 or so choices in total.  Last visit Lyssa and I both enjoyed a St.Bernardus Abt.12 – it was nice to find it there.  Food is very good also – my burger was huge and done correctly, and Lyssa’s turkey was stacked with real hand trimmed turkey, not deli style lunch meat.  Bartenders generally are personable to fun and serving times are never long. 

If you are ever in the Reading area, drive over to the west side, walk Penn Ave and stop in at the tavern for a burger and a beer.  You will be pleasantly surprised!

GizMog Rating: 

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