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The Barley Mow | mTj Brew Spots
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The Barley Mow


I ‘think’ Lyssa and I are split on this one. At first I wasn’t impressed – but with the second trip, and the addition of the outside seating, I kinda like it. Lyssa doesn’t find anything special here that she can’t get anywhere else – I am not sure what that means really, but that’s what she says.

So, its a nice place, inside and out. It is small, but it is what it is – mostly a take out shop I suppose. There are no TVs, no real sitting areas, just a few stem tables inside i believe, and the 5 or so tables outside. Prices are good, selection is good and they have added more draft selections recently so, I am still saying i like it. Definitely worth a stop – if its not full and you can sit outside, its probably my favorite spot in West Reading. There I said it! Lyssa can add a separate review and say I am crazy but…..I am sticking to my guns here!

GizMog Rating:



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